Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Tao of Being Human

"Taking a focus of attention inward and regularly knowing the cosmic field-consciousness, the intelligent aliveness that seems to be in all space within and around us, helps us to dissolve our ego slightly and lessen our sense of separation from others.

This spatial intelligence seems to be the primary stuff of the Universe and everything visible is a continuously generated expression of it, a vibrational altering of itself that allows it to become visible and touchable as trees, flowers and human beings.

Like music made visible, each one of us is a visible materialisation of the streaming flows of vibrational information emerging out of cosmic intelligence."

Link here.

And here's a link to all his articles.

Consciousness is Everywhere
Throughout the universe

The Path of Silence
Realizing the universal

What Living-Cell Biochemistry reveals about the Physics of Consciousness
The puzzle of coherence

The Flow of the Universe
Finding a new language for consciousness

Consciousness is intrinsic in the Universe
Cosmic consciousness exists everywhere and inside all of us.

Tuning in to the Conscious Universe
Finding our own connection into the universal intelligence

Fundamental Change is Possible
Seeing the Universe differently

The Conscious Space
What is consciousness?

We’re Woven Through the Universe
A 21st century worldview

Intuition and the Tao
Bringing inspiration into our life

Discovering the New Reality
How a new cosmic spirituality, emerging from meditation practice, is becoming increasingly in sync with insights from…

Time For Change
Finding the way forward

Tuning in to Intelligence in the Universe
How taking a focus of attention inward helps us intuitively realize our connection into intelligence in the Universe.

Relationship with the Silence
Within each one of us is the whole conscious, cosmic space in all of us.

Knowing the Conscious Universe
And bringing it into our life

What is Reality?
And is there a universal human reality?

The Conscious Universe
And us

Hearing the Silence
Of the universe

Universal Consciousness
Is the fabric of reality

Now and Zen
Knowing the universal intelligence

Space is Conscious 2
A continuing series exploring consciousness and reality

Our Experiencing Universe
Knowing universal consciousness

Space is Conscious
Universal consciousness is in all space everywhere

A New Way of Seeing
As though every moment matters

Space is Conscious 3
A continuing series exploring consciousness and reality

Tuning In
To the universe

Finding the Conscious Universe
Inside us

Finding the Silence
And knowing cosmic intelligence

Knowing Cosmic Intelligence
If we inwardly focus our attention, we become conscious of a cosmic intelligence in all space everywhere.

Tuning in to the Cosmic Field
Many people seem to think that the world around us is just as it seems to be.

Knowing the Cosmic field-Self
In 1543, Nicolaus Copernicus published “On the revolution of Heavenly Spheres” which introduced the idea that planet…

Bringing Cosmic Intelligence into our Life

Paying attention to the Conscious Space
Software engineers and others in the tech community like to speculate that the world we live in is somehow similar to…

Understanding Our Universe
Is a new worldview possible?

Consciousness is Cosmic
Consciousness, our capacity for conscious awareness, is cosmic not personal and it’s everywhere, inside and around all…

Is there a Spatial Intelligence throughout the Universe?
Our human body isn’t nearly as solid and material as it looks.

Living in Sync with Cosmic Intelligence
Conscious awareness isn’t somehow created by our brain, but exists as an immersive and synchronistic consciousness…

Knowing the Unseen Cosmic Organism
Cosmic intelligence is continuously transforming itself into the observable Universe.

We’re Waves in the Ocean
Tuning in to what joins us in 2020

Changing Our Worldview
Mindfulness, reality and climate change

The New Reality
Discovering our cosmic identity

Art of the Unseen
How visual fields, arrays, webs and networks created with digital tools can hint at the unseen, underlying…

Finding a New Normal
We belong here in the Universe

Knowing the Universe
Dissolving into the conscious space

Living in a Conscious Universe
There’s one conscious space in all of us

Experiencing the Cosmic Space
How tuning in to an inner conscious space helps dissolve our separation from other people and gives us access to…

Tuning in to field-Consciousness
In our everyday life, our attention is mostly focussed on the words and pictures on our screens or on the world around…

Seeing the World Differently
Finding new ways of being. And new ways of living

Consciousness in the Universe
Bringing mindfulness into our everyday life

Becoming Peaceful
Dissolving into now, finding peace

Being Present
Finding now

Getting Through This
The global crisis is bringing us closer to each other

Life Goes On
Living with the new normal

We’re Not Our Thoughts
We’re an unlimited consciousness in all of us

Finding the Space Inside Us
Allowing our thinking to dissolve away

Getting in Tune with Consciousness in the Universe
How using meditation to tune in to cosmic consciousness helps us find the intuitive wisdom we need to live well.

Tuning in to the Silence
Our thoughts are transient patterns

Realizing the Transpersonal Self
A spatial cosmic consciousness extends everywhere throughout the Universe.

The Tao of Being Human
Many people assume that our consciousness, our conscious awareness of being alive as a human being, is created by the…