Sunday, February 28, 2016

Donald Trump’s Surprising Success with Southern Evangelicals

"In 1986, white Republicans and Democrats didn’t differ in their racial attitudes. Indeed the average scores are almost identical. In addition, few Americans provided responses at the extremes of the scale. Only about 12 percent of Democrats and nine percent of Republicans fell in the two categories closest to the most racially resentful poll.

A lot has changed in 30 years. The average white Democrat and Republican have never before provided such divergent responses. Although Democrats have become slightly less racially resentful over time, the real change has occurred among Republicans. They have become far more racially resentful, even as the country has moved away from the worst parts of its troubled racial past.

In 2016, nearly 38 percent of Republicans fell in the two most racially resentful categories, with nearly a quarter in the very most resentful one. Indeed, the two most common categories for Republicans to fall into were the two most racially resentful ones."

Link to article here.

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