Sunday, February 28, 2016

The media are misleading the public on Syria

"Politicians may be forgiven for distorting their past actions. Governments may also be excused for promoting whatever narrative they believe best suits them. Journalism, however, is supposed to remain apart from the power elite and its inbred mendacity. In this crisis it has failed miserably.

Americans are said to be ignorant of the world. We are, but so are people in other countries. If people in Bhutan or Bolivia misunderstand Syria, however, that has no real effect. Our ignorance is more dangerous, because we act on it. The United States has the power to decree the death of nations. It can do so with popular support because many Americans — and many journalists — are content with the official story. In Syria, it is: 'Fight Assad, Russia, and Iran! Join with our Turkish, Saudi, and Kurdish friends to support peace!' This is appallingly distant from reality. It is also likely to prolong the war and condemn more Syrians to suffering and death."

Link here.

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